Get the Haiku Source Code / Pushing Patches to Haiku 101

Haiku’s source code is currently being hosted in a Git based repository with Gerrit code review. Anonymous access will allow anyone to download Haiku’s source code; However, the authenticated (non-anonymous) method is required for submitting patches.

Although most contributors tend to disclose their real names, we do not have a real name policy and a couple of contributors contribute to Haiku pseudonymously. That means that it’s possible for anyone to contribute.

The buildtools are not needed when building from within 32-bit Haiku. Pre-built images of 32-bit Haiku already come with suitable buildtools pre-installed.

Git Access - Anonymous testers

Anonymous access is read-only. If you want to submit changes to Haiku, you need to follow the instructions for patch submitters, in the next section.

Build Tools:

git clone


git clone

If you don’t care about the commit history and want to keep the download small, try using the parameter --depth when cloning. --depth 10 limits the history to the last 10 commits, for example.

Git Access - Contributors and patch submitters

Configure your git! Before making any commits to the Haiku repository (local even), be sure to configure the Git environment on your local system! Failure to configure git properly before a commit will result in incorrect naming in your commit, making it impossible to give you well-deserved credit for your work.

Configure Git on your system:

Before making your first commit on a new system, be sure to configure Git. These global settings are stored in your git configuration directory (~/.git/ or for Haiku: ~config/settings/git/) and will be appended to each commit as your personal information.

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global ""

On macOS, you must set the following option in order to avoid problems with the unicode representation of filenames:

git config core.precomposeunicode true

Setup an account on Gerrit

Log in to Gerrit code review. You currently need a Github account for logging in.

Upload your SSH public key in Gerrit SSH keys settings page. If you don't have a key yet, you can generate one using ssh-keygen.

If the e-mail address used in your commits does not match the one in your github account, you will need to add and verify it in Gerrit E-Mail address settings.

Build Tools:

The <login>@ is only needed if your currently logged in username doesn’t match your username.

git clone "ssh://<login>" && scp -p <login> "buildtools/.git/hooks/"


The <login>@ is only needed if your currently logged in username doesn’t match your username.

git clone "ssh://<login>"
scp -p <login> "haiku/.git/hooks/"

Switching from read-only to write access

Want to submit your first patch? Thanks, that’s great! You don’t need to checkout the sources again. Instead you can update your existing copy of the source to use the commiter access. Just change the remote URL:

git remote set-url origin ssh://<login>

You also should install the Gerrit hooks to generate Change-Ids:

scp -p <login> "haiku/.git/hooks/"

Some Notes

Case Sensitive Filesystem

Haiku's source code needs to reside on a case sensitive file system.
In short, such a file system recognizes "ThisIsAFile.txt" and "THISISAFILE.txt" as two different files. Some file systems that are (or could be) case in-sensitive include, FAT32, NTFS, and HFS+. macOS's HFS+ is case in-sensitive by default. For more information regarding how to create a case-sensitive HFS+ volume, see this article.

Getting the source code through an HTTP proxy

Haiku's main Git repository does not allow HTTP access, which is a problem if you are accessing the Internet through a proxy server that only permits HTTP (port 80) traffic.

Instead, use one of our mirror repositories at GitHub or Gitorious for anonymous HTTP access, they are both kept in sync with the main repository. First, set Git to connect through your proxy server:

git config --global http.proxy

Then clone the repositories from GitHub:

git clone
git clone

Please note that these repositories do not contain any hrev tags, which are used by the Haiku build system to determine the Haiku revision. To work around this limitation, use the HAIKU_REVISION build variable when building Haiku.

Common tasks

If you are already familiar with the pull request workflow as used, for example, at GitHub, you can find an overview of the differences in Gerrit user’s manual.

Example git workflow

Updating the Sources

Be sure to use the --rebase argument while doing a pull prior to a push to avoid confusing nonlinear histories! ("Merge 'master' on ssh://" messages showing your name and others changes) Do NOT however use --rebase on branches you have shared with other people! (rebase re-writes the local history. If your local history doesn't match people who cloned off of you, and they want to push to you, they will have major problems.)
cd haiku
git pull --rebase

You can make git take care of this automatically for you, so that “git pull” does the right thing for Haiku:

cd haiku
git config pull.rebase true

Alternatively, a single path or multiple paths can be given to git pull. This will allow you to run the following command from any directory. This becomes extremely useful if you use an external object directory or if you wish to update both the buildtools and haiku directories at the same time.

git pull --rebase ./haiku ./buildtools

Making local commits

In Git, you make commits to your local tree, then push the final results to the central remote Haiku repository. Split your work in not too large commits, but remember that each commit will be reviewed separately, so don’t make them too small either.

The commit message will also be reviewed, and should describe the change in as much detail as possible. You can refer to other commits by either their hrev tag or their SHA1 hash, and to bugs using the #number notation. Gerrit and cgit will then automatically add an hyperlink to the relevant place.

The commit message should include a short description on the first line (ideally less than 64 characters), then a blank line, and a more detailed explanation. The short message is visible in “git log”, the web interface, and many other git tools, and allows to know what the commit is about. The details are available separately (for example in git log -p or when looking at the commit directly in the web interface), so they are both important.

Here is an example of a good commit message:

kernel: Perform the usual early morning tasks

* Ensure cats in computer are fed.
* Clean up white space.
* The retroencabulator needs to be adjusted to accept input from
  multiple sources of data and ensure the buffer is free for
* No functional change.
Short commit comment

If your commit is very short, you can include it directly on the Git command line:

git commit -a -m "WebPositive: Style cleanup, no functional change"
Long commit comments

If your commit message is longer, you can put it in a file and use it this way:

git commit -a -F ~/mycommitlog

Alternatively, you can use “git commit -a”, which will open a text editor and let you write down the message when you commit your changes.

It may be a good idea to check <a href=">Gerrit as a point of reference if you are not sure how you should format your commit message.

Pushing changes for review

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master -o topic="something"

After your changes are complete, the push command will push your local tree to the remote Haiku repository. The commits will be added to the review page and people will review them. You can then amend your commits and push them again, until they are reviewed and merged.

It is recommended to set a topic - a single keyword that can easily be searched for in the web interface and help categorize commits.

Taking review comments into account and updating a commit

Usually your changes will not be accepted on the first try. Other developers will review it, making sure they understand what you are doing, and maybe help you find better ways of doing it. They will also check that your code follows the coding guidelines, which are important to make sure the code is easy to read and uses the same conventions in all the codebase.

Single-commit change

To update an existing commit, you need to download it locally, modify it, and send it again. When your change consists of a single commit, you can cherry-pick it.

First make sure you start from a clean working tree with the latest Haiku changes (note that this will remove all your work-in-progress commits from the working copy - make sure these commits are in a branch. Git will remind you about this if you haven’t done so).

git fetch
git checkout origin/master

Then you can download your commit from Gerrit. To do this, use the Gerrit web interface and the Download -> Cherry Pick button, which allows you to copy the required git command. It looks like this, but it is different for each commit and each version of a commit so make sure to get the correct one from Gerrit:

git fetch "ssh://" refs/changes/28/3228/4 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

You can now edit the files to make the needed changes. Once you are done, edit the commit to include your changes:

git add a/modified/file.cpp another/modified/file.h # you can use wildcards, or just 'git add .' to add everything modified
git commit --amend # modify the commit

Make sure the commit message contains the change-id for the commit. If it doesn’t, copy it from Gerrit and add it at the end of the commit message.

Finally, send your work for review:

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

HEAD:refs/for/master means that your change was built on top of the master branch and that your changes are meant to be applied to the master branch.

Multiple-commit change

The process is similar when your change is split into multiple commits, but you can’t as easily use cherry-pick since it would have to be done once per commit. So, a different process can be used instead.

First of all make sure you have the latest version of the Haiku source code:

git fetch

Then go to the latest commit of your change in progress and use the Download -> Checkout menu to get all the changes at once. Again, note that the command changes for each commit, so be sure to get the correct one from Gerrit. The one below is only an example.

git fetch "ssh://" refs/changes/99/1299/5 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD

You can then rebase your changes on the current version of Haiku:

git rebase origin/master

You can use git commit –amend to edit the latest commits and add more commits to the branch. To modify the previous commits, you need to use git interactive rebase (git rebase -i). See

git help rebase
for more help on rebasing.

Once you are done, you can update your patches on Gerrit:

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

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